Any effluent treatment programme must consider whether the water
contaminants are biodegradable, over what time scale, and – if persistent – how
they will influence conditions down stream. Even the influence of subsequent
water chlorination for drinking purposes on the potential formation of toxic
organochlorine compounds must be considered. This a complex subject requiring
detailed on-site analysis before arriving at specific recommendations and their
One very important strategy in reducing water pollution from a textile finishing
plant involves minimising waste and optimising process methods so that fewer
contaminants are discharged in the effluent. The following list gives some
examples of this.
(1) re-use of excess dye solution remaining at the end of a process – this can be
incorporated into other dyeing recipes;
(2) mixing acidic and alkaline effluents before discharge to avoid excessive
acidity or alkalinity;
(3) replacing starch-based sizing materials with polyvinyl alcohol, which can be
recovered by membrane separation techniques and recycled;
(4) process changes and optimisation of the use of problematic chemicals – for
example, for the oxidation of leuco vat dyes, hydrogen peroxide or sodium
perborate can be substituted for sodium dichromate. Replacement of dyes
that require aftertreatment with chromium or copper salts will have a
beneficial impact on the immediate water environment. Glucose can replace
sodium sulphide as a reducing agent for sulphur dyes. The dye manufacturers
now offer ‘greener’ products and processes such as low salt/high fixation
reactive dyes. Many companies are examining the possibilities of recycling
water and chemicals, and of recovering heat from hot effluent.
Various types of processes are used in textile effluent treatment. Dyehouse effluent
has a composition that is highly time-dependent in terms of both the types and
quantities of contaminants. A first stage in treatment is often an equalising
lagoon. Equalisation involves holding the combined process effluents for a given
period to allow stabilisation of pH and BOD, and time for sedimentation of some
solids. This considerably reduces fluctuations in the composition of the water
leaving the dyehouse, which can upset down stream processes such as activated
sludge treatment.
Biological treatment with organisms may be aerobic (with oxygen) or anaerobic
(without oxygen). Many textile mills in urban areas discharge their effluent into
municipal sewers. The sewage may be treated in an activated sludge plant. The
effluent is mixed with micro-organisms, aerated and then the sludge allowed to
settle. The phosphate and nitrogen nutrients needed for bacterial growth are not a
problem if the industrial effluent is mixed with regular sewage. Activated sludge
treatment considerably reduces the BOD by aerobic oxidation, and adsorption or
coagulation of the contaminants. The effects are improved if the sludge is
combined with activated carbon. This also protects the micro-organisms from
heavy metals. They are sensitive to sudden changes in conditions and industrial
effluents in the sewer system should be of relatively constant composition and
concentration. The main problem is that of sludge disposal. After suitable
treatment, it can be used as fertiliser, or for landfill. In a trickle filter plant, the effluent percolates through a filter bed with the bacteria growing on the surface of the filter medium.
These aerobic microbial oxidation processes reduce the BOD, COD and TOC.
The effect on colour from dyes, however, is often only marginal. Some dyes are
adsorbed to some extent by the biological treatment. This has only limited effects
in removing hydrolysed reactive dyes from the effluent. Because of the high levels
of waste, textile auxiliary products should ideally biodegrade rapidly in water,
although this is often not the case. Alkyl benzene sulphonate detergents, with a
branched alkyl chain, such as that derived from propene tetramer, caused
mountains of foam on rivers throughout the industrialised world in the 1960s
because of their low rate of biodegradation.
One of the most common effluent treatment methods is that of precipitation.
This often involves a combination of precipitation of insoluble salts, coagulation of
colloidal material and flocculation. This is similar in principle to the method used
for clarifying water described in Section 8.1. Addition of lime (CaO) to the
effluent is quite common. This neutralises any excess acidity and precipitates
many types of anionic compounds. Treatments with alum or ferric chloride are also
popular. The aluminium or ferric hydroxide, along with precipitated aluminium or
ferric salts, removes colloidal matter and a number of anionic dyes. This reduces
the COD, colour and suspended solids. Sedimentation is assisted by adding a
flocculant such as a polyacrylic acid derivative, or a cationic polymer, the latter
being able to bind hydrolysed reactive dyes. Again, the disposal of the sediment
sludge needs to be considered.
There are a variety of chemical technologies for effluent treatment. Few of
these are used in the textile industry because of their cost. This situation may
change as environmental protection becomes even more socially and politically
acceptable. Chlorination with sodium hypochlorite and acid eliminates much
organic material in waste water but may generate even more toxic organochlorine
compounds. Oxidation by ozone is much safer but the cost of generating ozone by
electrical discharge through oxygen gas is still prohibitive. Other technologies
involve reverse osmosis and membrane filtration, adsorption on active carbon, or
generation of coagulants by electrochemical techniques. The highest standards of
effluent treatment require combinations of different types of treatment. These will
probably become more significant, despite the expense, as regulatory controls are
increasingly enforced.
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